Thursday, May 17, 2007


Aethetics relates to appearance of things and how we respond to it. It examines what makes something beautiful, disgusting, fun, silly, entertaining, boring, humerous or tragic. It is known as the philosophical study of beauty and art and is explores questions about “what is art?” or “what is beauty?” It is mainly subjective as the beauty of something can be determined differently by others. I might find blogs or websites aesthically pleasing while others might not as there idea of beauty is different to mine.

A website I find aesthetically pleasing is a Melbourne based graphic design and website deisng studio called Gazal.
I find this site aesthetically pleasing as
- all text is easy to read (browny coloured background with light yellow, orange, green and white text)
- they havent gone over the top by using too many different colours
- all links can be clearly seen as they up the top as the main links or underlined and coloured in text
- a small graphic has been added to the side and top of the page which does not interfere with any text
- the sun rays of the graphic spin slowly
- when going onto another page, theme says the same
It would be quiet disappointing if this site wasnt aesthetically pleasing as their job is web design.

I find a lot of accommodation websites to be unaesthically pleasing. One I found was The Australian Travel and Tourism Network.
I find this site unaesthetically pleasing as
- is has to much on one page so it makes it hard to read, too busy
- bright blue boxes with large white text on the side makes it hard to read
- elements on page are all cramped

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